Thursday, March 5, 2020

Learning Jungle International School Cambodia

Learning Jungle International School Cambodia Learning Jungle International School Cambodia Learning Jungle International School is a proud provider of quality education and care for children and families in the communities it serves. Guided by our centre policies and procedures that are rigorously implemented, our centres provide the highest Canadian standards of quality education and a learning environment that continually exceed the most stringent requirements of local legislation. All Learning Jungle Schools are licensed and monitored by the local authority responsible for enforcing legislation for schools and learning centres. This ensures that our centres comply with very specific rules and regulations from the local Public Health, Fire Department, Department of Education and Childrens Services. The teachers at Learning Jungle School meet and often exceed the necessary qualifications required; with each room having a qualified E.C.E. (Early Childhood Educator) or teacher with a Bachelor of Education. We actively support and encourage professional growth for all our staff. In addition to our high standards reflected in our teachers, centre environment, programming and services, we are distinct from other elementary schools and early learning centres through our commitment to delivering a differentiated parent involvement experience supported by our technology. In a Learning Jungle School, parents are alwaysIn touch, Never away and Always connected, providing the constant assurance and confidence that their child is being taken good care of.

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